

Are you experiencing technical difficulties, e.g., when working through the tutorials?


In collaboration with, we offer a Chatbot trained on course materials. Powered by the latest OpenAI Chat Completion API, it provides an interface similar to ChatGPT. Use it to get quick feedback or ask course-related questions. Start your chat now!

Please note that the Chatbot is in a pilot phase and may make mistakes. Conversations may be monitored anonymously by and the course coordinator to improve the tool and potentially roll it out to other courses at Tilburg University.


For quick questions, please use WhatsApp to get in touch with us (+31 13 466 8938).

  • Be as specific as possible (e.g., include screenshots, your Jupyter Notebooks or other source code, errors) so that we can help you better.
  • Informal language is perfectly fine.
  • Be prepared that we call you back if that makes solving a question easier.

Text us on WhatsApp now!


You can also send us an email to get in touch with us, but note that response times may be slower than through WhatsApp.

Submitting code for feedback

When submitting code (e.g., as a Jupyter Notebook) for feedback, please ensure that it runs from top to bottom without errors - up to the point where you need feedback. In other words, don’t send “incomplete” code in which you ask us to debug a scraper, without actually loading the website.

Please also make use of specific comments in your code to explain the problem. This will help us to help you quicker.