Hannes Datta
If you haven't done so, please explore the exam page & example questions at https://odcm.hannesdatta.com/docs/exam.
Let's generate a few examples where validity, legal and technical goals conflicted in your projects.
+ beautifulSoup
vs. selenium
vs. the values of attributes) + stabilityCollecting data for Master thesis
PhD and research master students can “invest” into data collections
Please hand in so we can make the data package public!
Re-read the grading rubric on the course site!
You will receive invite to self- and peer assessment via email
, but you need to understand how it is different from “regular” scraping toolkits (requests
, BeautifulSoup
)Course evaluation has been immensely important to this course
Course evaluation has been critical to my career
Scores are most important to show importance of this course
You will be invited via Evalytics (evaluate at the end of the week).