Activity 4) Prototype Development

Activity #4: Prototype Development


  • Type: Code (preferred) or screencast
  • You can submit - for live feedback - one or more of the following works. Note that it is not mandatory to upload material. Instead, the submissions should be seen as a way to receive feedback on your projects.


  • Start building a prototype script (Jupyter Notebook, or .py file) that demonstrates your data extraction/scraping code. You can also use your script to illustrate some of the technical hurdles you are facing. Please test whether the script/Notebook runs correctly (e.g., open it on another computer, and run it top to down). Make use of comments in your code to point users to problems.

    • When submitting, please label your file as scraper_teamXX.ipynb or
  • If you’re team has not managed to write code yet, you can record a short screencast (max. 2 minutes), in which you illustrate how your extraction software will have to navigate on the website/through the API (“navigation path”). Your raw recording can be longer than 2 minutes, BUT, you are required to trim it to 2 minutes in the final submission. In other words - we recommend you cut “silent moments” (e.g., when a website is being loaded). Please have a voice-over, in which you explain how your scraper will have to navigate on the site, including when to loop, and how to use pagination.

    • When submitting, please label your file as navigation_teamXX.mp4 (or any other video format).


  • Please upload on Canvas (in one zip file), at the latest by 9am on the day preceding the next coaching session.
  • Code and screencasts will be shared with other teams, so make sure your work is understandable (e.g., by using comments, being sufficiently elaborate)!
  • Indicate your team number in the file names.